Embedded System Architecture #1 Best Embedded System Architecture

Network Logic Programming Theory

A copyrighted data processing system for separating complex programming algorithms into networks and computations.

Programs are becoming Complex Systems

Intent of CPU

  • EThe original intent of CPU Programming was for computations.
  • EPrograms became more complex as programming evolved from computations.

Hard to Manage

  • EComplexity is hard to understand when represented as source code in traditional programming representation.
  • ETotally unrecognizable after translation into assembly or machine language.
  • EChallenge increases with program size and variability in styles of programmers.

Challenge to Maintain

  • EDuring maintenance, challenge to understand hidden dependencies or tribal knowledge after departure of original programmers.
  • EDocumentation typically becomes out of sync with source over time.

Complexity Theory is a set of theoretical frameworks used for modeling and analyzing complex systems

  • EDerived from models developed from computer science, ecology, physics, mathematics, and engineering.
  • ECommon pattern found to establish generic framework to studying complex systems in the abstract.Common pattern found to establish generic framework to studying complex systems in the abstract.
  • EComplex Systems may exhibit (1) Self Organization (2) Nonlinearity, (3) Phase Transitions (4) Networks.
Network Logic Programming Theory
Network Logic Programming Theory

A system is a set of parts and a set of connections between these parts called relations

  • EComplexity is a property of the system.
  • ESystems that are complex have many parts that are interconnected and interdependent.
  • EMost Complex Systems are naturally represented as Networks.

Network Theory is the study of connectivity.

  • EA tool to help with the study and analysis of the structure of complexity.
  • EAllows for the understanding of the connections between parts and how that shapes the part and the overall system.
  • ENetworks are the best mechanism to abstract, manage, and understand complexity.
Network Logic Programming Theory
Network Logic Programming Theory

Networks are very powerful mechanisms to support Complex Systems

  • ECommon Pattern within Nature to support Complex Systems.
  • EHuman Brain is an example of a Network.
  • EProven with the rise of Artificial Intelligence using various training techniques.
  • EIf networks are good for trained systems, they should be good for the evolution of programming. Why not harness the power of networks with both trained approaches and programming approaches.

Create Approach for programming that is composed of computations and network processing for complexity.

  • EAll decisions are allocated to Networks.
  • EAll computations are allocated to traditional CPUs.
  • EComplexity of traditionally CPU based programs reduced back to computations and complexity moved to abstraction via networks.
  • EThus:
  • EComplexity for decisions stored as networks where they can be understood and analyzed using Network Theory.
  • ETraditional CPUs used for computations as originally intended.
Network Logic Programming Theory
Network Logic Programming Theory

Network Logic Programming Theory

  • ENetwork Logic Programming Theory has been copyrighted.
  • EBook on theory in the last stages of 1st draft.
  • EPatent Pending for IP: 9262RF-1NKM
A data processing system for separating complex programming algorithms into networks and computations is disclosed. The networks store logic in the form of relationships that is utilized to make decisions, and the computations are reduced to simple data processing algorithms. The data processing system includes a central processing unit; one or more relationship units; a layer unit; a layer router; a relationship path unit; a frame capture unit; and a frame controller.



  • ETheory to establish principles of programming
  • ETools
  • ENetwork Programming Support Tools
  • ENetwork Analysis Tools
  • ENetwork Compiler
  • ENetwork and CPU Integration Tools
  • ECPU Software Infrastructure
  • ESmall Software Infrastructure to incorporate Network Infrastructure into CPU Platforms
  • ENetwork Platform
  • ESimulator
  • EIP for Hardware (FPGA) first target
  • ESimulator
  • ERuns network processing on CPU
  • EIP
  • EDigital Design to run network processing on FPGA or ASIC
  • EWorks with CPU. CPU performs computations

Our Customers Recognize Us For Our

  • NExperience
  • NInnovation
  • NAgility
  • NFlexibility
  • NAdaptability
  • NReliability
Network Logic Programming Theory
Intellect Logic Systems - Embedded Systems Design Architecture & Programming

Intellect Logic Systems LLC provides custom design and programming services for embedded systems. Our team members have extensive experience from both Human Rated Space and Military Programs. We also have experience in Commercial Programs and non-embedded system platforms which includes support for database, data analytics, and machine learning.


System IP
Development Tools


Intellect Logic Systems

4265 San Felipe Street, Suite 1100
Houston, Texas 77027

Cage: 9FPN1

(713) 554-0684