Embedded System Architecture #1 Best Embedded System Architecture

Custom Programming and Design

Typically, the implementation phase of development involves programming for the software portion of an embedded system. Programming is a logical concept that is “wide open” in terms of techniques and styles.

Custom Programming and Design

Custom Programming and Design differs from other such disciplines such as hardware design where there is typically a finite set of well-defined principles to implement a system. Programming can become an “art form” and if care is not taken a design can be poorly implemented which can decrease the probability of quality and reliability.

There are various styles of Custom Programming and Design based on the software layer or component. The two most common are application and system level programming. Application programming is used to implement the business rules of a system. This type of programming is less concerned with machine focused concepts and is high-level in abstraction utilizing high-level languages. System level programming on the other hand requires an understanding of low-level machine and operating system concepts.

For embedded systems reliability, performance, and quality are key aspects for a successful implementation. Thus, this requires disciplined techniques to promote safety in both application and system level programing. These techniques include concepts such as reducing or eliminating potential exceptions, accounting for real-time operating system issues such as dead-locks and resource starvation, and programing for maximum performance.

Ferguson Control Systems offers services to support or perform programing to implement a system design process. Our team members have years of experience from previous safety-critical programs and can use this experience to help achieve success. We can work embedded within your organization for support or perform the programming for the entire system or a subset.

Custom Programming and Design
Custom Programming and Design

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Custom Programming and Design
Intellect Logic Systems - Embedded Systems Design Architecture & Programming

Intellect Logic Systems LLC provides custom design and programming services for embedded systems. Our team members have extensive experience from both Human Rated Space and Military Programs. We also have experience in Commercial Programs and non-embedded system platforms which includes support for database, data analytics, and machine learning.


System IP
Development Tools


Intellect Logic Systems

4265 San Felipe Street, Suite 1100
Houston, Texas 77027

Cage: 9FPN1

(713) 554-0684

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